You Are Somebody's Type

The Fit as a Fiddle Club, in collaboration with the Doctors of Tomorrow (D.O.T) Club, organized a blood donation drive which was held on Friday the 15th March 2013 in Beta Theatre, Taylor’s College Sri Hartamas. This event was held in cooperation with National Blood Center (Pusat Darah Negara).

No point in stressing out
A recruitment booth for this drive also was set up from the 7th until the 14th of March at the Hangout Area on the 1st floor of TCSH in order to promote this event. This five hour event attracted a total of 61 staff members and students from TCSH, but unfortunately only 44 of them could donate due to the requirements stated by the PDN.

On that day itself, even first-time donors arrived with a smile on their face. But of course, there were some that had to overcome their anxiety, but they managed to stay calm and carried on with the process.

The donation process took about fifteen minutes, as it is very important to make sure that the blood is clean to pass. Potential donors completed the registration process at Station one. Station two was the screening booth, which was designed to make sure there were no major diseases such as HIV and Hepatitis to be passed down to future blood recipients. Blood pressure measurements were taken at the third station to ensure donors had neither high nor low blood pressure readings.

Testing blood, only the best get through
This led to the final station where the blood donation took place. The students and teachers alike were seated in special chairs that raised their legs. They were then given a numbing agent which was applied to the site of injection and soon after their blood was donated. The bags of blood were taken away and the process was finally over.
Even a little bit goes a long way

There's more to taking blood than the 'bite' itself
All of the effort contributed by both of these clubs not only enabled this charitable event to be a success, but is also improved the donors’ health and the needs of the blood bank. At the end of the day, a blood donor will always be a hero to someone, somewhere, who would receive the gift of life. So the next time, you’re contemplating whether to donate or not, just remember that you’re always somebody’s type!

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