Give a Hand to Japan – Mock Cheque Presentation Ceremony

The Give A Hand to Japan campaign was a collaboration amongst all the clubs and societies of Taylor’s College Sri Hartamas in order to raise funds for donation to the Malaysian Red Crescent Society (MRCS). The funds were raised in support of the Malaysian effort to assist in ameliorating the recent Japanese crisis, which began with the occurrence of an earthquake of a magnitude of 8.9 on the Richter scale on March 11, 2011 which was subsequently followed by tsunamis around the coastal areas within the crisis. Currently, the country is still in crisis, as it faces a nuclear crisis from the Fukushima Nuclear Plant, as well as the very real and imminent threat of aftershocks within the region.

The campaign raised a total of RM 10 000 throughout a period of two weeks from the contributions of Taylor’s College Sri Hartamas students, facilitated through a variety of innovative projects organised by the clubs and societies of our institution, such as donation drives and carnivals.
Monday, March 17, 2011, was the mock cheque presentation ceremony from Taylor’s College Sri Hartamas to the Malaysian Red Crescent Society. The dress code was formal, and the event began at approximately 2.50 p.m.

Present were Mr. Anandakumaresh Ratnasingam, Principal of Taylor’s College Sri Hartamas; Ms. Dachaini Karuppiah, Event Advisor; Ms. May Hoe, Student Advisor; Mr. Shamsul Ibrahim, a representative of the Malaysian Red Crescent Society; the media as well as all the presidents of the clubs and societies of Taylor’s College Sri Hartamas.

The course of the ceremony, facilitated by the vice president of the Student Council, Ms. Oh Yea Ji, began with a short speech by Mr. Anandakumaresh. During his speech, our principal lauded the efforts and initiative of all individuals who were involved in the campaign, stressing the importance and necessity for young individuals to rise up as a generation to be the change that they want to be. He praised the success of the campaign, expressing notable amazement that our institution had managed to collect a total of RM 10 000 in such a short period of time; noting the significance of this achievement – considering the fact that Taylor’s College Sri Hartamas is a small institution relative to many other schools in Malaysia.

Mr. Ananda’s closing remarks reaffirmed the pride and value that Taylor’s places on student initiative, noting that most events organised within the school are student-initiated, leaving congratulations toward all the presidents of clubs and societies within the school for placing their time and energy toward such a noble and just cause despite their busy schedules.

Mr Anandakumaresh lauding the efforts and initiative of all students involved in the campaign

Following Mr. Anandakumaresh’s speech was a speech by Mr. Adrian Yong Wei Hoong, the President of the Christian Fellowship of Taylor’s College Sri Hartamas and the person who had suggested the execution of this event. On the reasons as to why he had decided to plan the campaign and thus bring into his assistance all the clubs and societies of our institution, Adrian stated astutely that, “This is something that we do not want to happen to us,” stressing that, “it should be an innate characteristic of humans to help those in need,” lauding the efforts of the presidents of each club and society for successfully coordinating activities that had raised funds for the event, for the onus of commitment was placed heavily upon their backs.

On his closing note, Adrian further stressed the success of the campaign, noting that “a certain college” that had a larger population relative to Taylor’s College Sri Hartamas had conducted a campaign similar in nature over the course of one month but had only succeeded in raising RM 4 000, thanking involved parties for their commitment and drive to go beyond what he had asked of them to make the effort a success.

Adrian Yong stressing that it should be an innate characteristic of humans to help those in need

The final speech of the event was delivered by Mr. Shamsul Ibrahim, a representative from the Malaysian Red Crescent Society. He applauded the initiative and excellence shown by the students of our school, summing up his laudatory comments in two words: “Kudos” and “excellence”. Mr. Ibrahim then proceeded to provide a variety of facts and figures concerning what the Malaysian Red Crescent had been doing in order to relieve the effort, and what they had achieved thus far; noting with appreciation that to date, the MRCS has received a total of RM 4 million in donations, as well as large supplies of food, medical supplies, and a large variety of other basic amenities from various organizations throughout Malaysia; as well as the Red Crescent’s efforts in evacuating people from Japan from the areas affected by the crisis, such as Fukushima and from coastal areas within the region.

Following these inspirational speeches was the crux of the event – the presentation of the mock cheque from Taylor’s College Sri Hartamas to the Malaysian Red Crescent Society.

Mr Shamsul Ibrahim (third from left) receiving the mock cheque of RM 10 000
from the staff and students of Taylor's College Sri Hartamas

The ceremony ended at approximately 3.40 p.m., as Mr. Anandakumaresh handed a token of appreciation to Mr. Shamsul Ibrahim for attending the event.

If you would like to donate to the Malaysian Red Crescent Relief effort, you can do so by following the instructions listed below, which are also provided on the Red Crescent website, located at

You can assist those people affected by the earthquake by making a donation. Your contribution will support the Japanese Red Cross Society (JRCS) disaster relief efforts to help those affected by the earthquake and tsunami. Funds will be utilised for the on-going provision of immediate relief and for eventual recovery support to the affected population.

Those who want to help can go to and donate to the MRCS International Relief Fund via Maybank Account No – 5144 – 2210 – 2657 or you can send a cheque to:

Malaysian Red Crescent Society
National Headquarters
32, Jalan Nipah off Jalan Ampang
55000 Kuala Lumpur

Cheque should be made out to the “MRCS International Relief Fund” with the words “Japan Earthquake and Tsunami” written on the back of the cheque. For tax exemption receipt, please email or fax your transaction slip and mailing address or fax to 03 4253 3191.

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