Art According to Me

Every artist’s vision and mission is to create an art of ‘the finest quality’. Yet, I’ve often questioned the suitability of phrase ‘the finest quality’. Does a canvas that looks like someone just threw buckets of paint of different colours onto it fall under the category of ‘quality art’?


In my lifetime, I was dragged to a couple of art exhibitions by my mother, who apparently seemed to understand art. All I did during these exhibitions was stand and think: “I could do so much better. It’s just paint on canvas right? I could do that, and earn millions of dollars too. Maybe I won’t even need to study anymore.... Yeah right.”

Was that narcissistic of me? Maybe. But never had I, the least appreciative person in the universe when it comes to art, once thought that I would be spending an entire afternoon gazing at, and admiring the very pieces of art that I had been so inclined to mock.

By some trick of fate, I happened to stumble into the opening of the NN gallery one Sunday evening at 53A & 56, Jalan Sulaiman 1, Taman Ampang Hilir, attracted by the huge crowd and the modern-looking, newly decorated gallery. On that particular Sunday, the same gallery happened to be showcasing a collection of works created by artists from Malaysian Watercolour Society.

As I entered the gallery, only one word filled my mind – astonishing. The gallery was not your ordinary cuboid structure, featuring a somewhat oval floor plan. Paintings were not placed in the standard row-by-row arrangement, in predictable places, but instead made ample use of the oval floor plan. It was refreshing to walk past the paintings, thinking I had seen them all, only to be surprised, time and again, by paintings that I previously hadn’t noticed.

As is the case in all exhibitions, brief descriptions of each painting, as well as information about the artists that had created these were displayed next to each painting. It was delightful to see many talented Malaysian artists showcasing their talent, some of whom had even won numerous awards overseas. Each and every artist had their own distinctive style, focusing on key aspects within each painting, incorporating elements of nature, humans, and manmade structures into their masterpieces. Some even painted works of art incorporating many abstract elements, in very much the same vein of art that I had previously mocked, but now appreciated in all its garish glory. I was intrigued, incidentally, upon my discovery that each artist had his own personal trademark. A signature, if you will, that identified his/her work.

My favourite amongst all the masterpieces within the gallery was the “Up Town” painting by Chow Jian Seng. The colour of the painting, a unique blend of my favourite colours, purple and pink, was the first thing that drew my attention. The painting was actually a replica of how the city looks like, which has buildings on both sides and the people around. I personally felt that it was based on the famous Petaling Street. The strokes and smudges on the painting, I thought, made the painting very unique.

“Up Town” by Chow Jian Seng

I’ve often heard the phrase “Art is not for everyone” thrown around by many people. But I fully believe that it is. Art is a medium for individuals to express their thoughts and feelings, regardless of whom these individuals are – be they young; old; CEOs; bankers; musicians; poets. An art piece does not need to satisfy everyone’s taste and preferences in order to be classified as being of ‘the finest quality’, for such a description is subjective to the interpreter of the art, based on his thoughts, tastes, and desires.

However, I believe that all quality art does share a common thread: Such works have the original touches, emotions, and passionate candour of the artists themselves. I realise that one should have an open mind and lack bias when it comes to viewing art, avoiding value judgements on what art is, and what art should be, and instead appreciate an artist’s effort in bringing together inspiration, imagination and creativity into a masterpiece.

If you would like to visit the NN Gallery for yourself, in order to experience the works of art enclosed therein, drop by at:

NN Gallery
53A & 56, Jalan Sulaiman 1, Taman Ampang Hilir,
68000 Ampang, Selangor Darul Ehsan

For more information about NN Gallery, visit the following website at

*The creator of “Up Town” has given permission for the display of their artwork on this webpage. The image should not be copied, modified or redistributed without prior consent of its creator.

Copyright © 2014 The Beacon Online Plastic Surgeon of Beacon: Chloe Tan(2014)