Ms. Lauren Time : Earth Day Ramblings

I knew I wanted to write a column for the Beacon on Earth Day, but I had a lot of trouble figuring out how to say something that would persuade you this is a cause worth paying attention to. I desperately hope that your generation takes up the challenge and not just works on, but solves, some of the serious problems plaguing the environment currently. If not, then the future is bleak.

The teacher in me won out and I decide to give you some information about environmental issues, and research what is happening right here in Malaysia. Even if you don’t get inspired this Earth Day (though I hope you do J ) you will get informed. That is always a good place to start.

Environmental Issues can be divided into three (or more) quite unique categories:

1. Number one is Waste Management. According to the average Malaysian throws away 1.64kg of waste per day, is 0.44kg more than the average worldwide city dweller at 1.2kg. At the current rate, the waste production of Malaysians will increase from 10,000 tonnes per day in 2010 to 17,000 tonnes per day by 2020, filling up to the brim the capacity of two out of three landfills at Jeram in Kuala Selangor and Tanjung Dua Belas in Kuala Langat by 2035. Our waste recycling rate is way below the average levels at a mere 11% of the total solid waste being produced compared to 57% in Singapore and 66% in Germany.


Do you know why these three words are in this particular order?

2. Number Two is Energy Conservation. Did you know that Malaysia has strong incentives for renewable energy? Anyone who supplies energy from biogas, biomass, small hydropower or solar the electricity grid gets paid a fee for each kwH produced for the next 21 years. (

Did you know these streets are car-free on the first Sunday of every month?: Jalan Raja Laut, Jalan Sultan Ismail, Jalan Ampang, Jalan P. Ramlee, Jalan Pinang, Jalan Raja Chulan, Jalan Imbi, and Jalan Tuanku Abdul Raman. Check it out May 4th.

2,500 people enjoy car free city streets

KUALA LUMPUR: The second edition of the KL Car Free morning saw numerous roads closed off to allow some 2,500 people on bicycles, roller blades, skateboards and joggers to participate in the event.

3. Third is Environmental Stewardship. The World Wildlife Federation ( wants you to know that the tropical rainforests, seas and freshwater ecosystems of Malaysia support a rich and diverse array of both flora and fauna, making it one of 12 mega-diversity countries in the world. Many of these species are, however, threatened. Five of the 10 animals and plants most threatened by the illegal wildlife trade are in Malaysia, the tiger, Asian rhinoceros, elephant, orang utan and a red and pink jewel-like coral species, Corallium borneense.  ( "Malaysia's global position in providing habitat to some of the most charismatic and endangered flagship mammal species, such as the tiger, Asian elephant and orang utan has to be recognised and emphasised," said WWF-Malaysia's National Programme Director Dr Arun Venkataraman.

4. The last story/fact I want to share with you about Malaysia is a combination of #1 and #3.  says that Malaysia is rapidly running out of sources of clean water. Why is clean water so hard to come by? "In Malaysia, the main reasons are pollution and poor governance of our water catchments areas," says Water and Energy Consumer Association Malaysia secretary-general S. Piarapakaran.

So – there – a few things to think about on Earth Day. The world is not going in a good direction, and it is going to take MASSIVE, COORDINATED solutions to make a difference so that your grandchildren can live in a healthy environment. 

Start by suggesting something that TCSH could do better, on the Student Council Suggestion Board that will be dedicated for exactly one day for this purpose. I will offer a prize of RM100 for the most interesting and actionable suggestion (ends at midnight on Tuesday, April 22nd.)

Thanks for listening. Thanks in advance for keeping these issues as a priority in your life.

I will be showing two short video clips (a total of 12 minutes) to anyone who wants to help me celebrate Earth Day, from 12:00 – 12:30 in Alpha and from 3:30 – 4:00 in Gamma.

Happy Earth Day to all!

Ms. Lauren

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