DOT Club's IJN Attachment

On 13 August 2010, the Doctors of Tomorrow (DOT) Club gave its members a wonderful opportunity to have a brief hospital attachment at the National Heart Institute (IJN), Kuala Lumpur. This attachment was aimed to promote further medical education to the aspired members of the club who wish to pursue in a career in medicine, besides giving them an opportunity to witness the real-life situation in a hospital.

A total of 24 students, accompanied by DOT Club teacher advisor Miss Koh Jee Yin, hopped onto the bus which left TCSH at 2:00 p.m. that Friday afternoon. Upon arrival, they were given a brief tour around the hospital. They were then showed a slideshow of heart operations that have been done in IJN before proceeding to the next activity.

Members were then divided into two groups. The first group which visited the cathlab (catheterisation laboratory), an examination room with diagnostic imaging equipment used to support the catheterisation procedure, were given an exposure of a balooning procedure, a treatment designed to open blocked or narrowed arteries. This procedure can be used to treat problems in many areas of the body. The second group, on the other hand, had the chance to go for an Operation Theatres (OT) tour, including the Hybrid OT, a theatre where multiple procedures could be done.

Even though the attachment was brief, the DOT Club members who went definitely gained more knowledge in the field of Medicine and had the opportunity to have an experience of what a real life situation is working at a hospital.

Members of the DOT Club visiting IJN

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