Traffic Light Day

When else than in the middle of the week to have an exciting themed day where everyone can dress up according to their relationship status? That’s right, ladies and gentlemen, on the 7th of April 2010, which was a Wednesday, all students were to declare their love life (or lack thereof) status.

This event was organized by the Student Council under the watchful eye of Ms. Dachiani.

Students were required to dress in traffic light colours. Those who are taken and do not intend entertaining requests (also hinting to those interested that they have basically no chance) were to wear red. Those who are single, proud and perhaps wanting to welcome more attention might want throw on something green! Finally, those who have a rather complicated relationship and do not know where it is headed can proclaim it by wearing yellow.

Many, however, were rather surprisingly against this interesting event, dubbing it as a “busy-body” sort of event. Wearing green was supposedly a “desperate” cry and those wearing red are considered to be “showing off”. This was revealed in an interview with Amy Louise Moss.

Edboard: Amy, why on earth did you wear all black today?
Amy: Honestly, it was rather weird, it made people look desperate. Like, when you’re wearing green, it’s as if you’re announcing “I’m single, come get me!”

In an interview with Sonia Bawany:
Edboard: Sonia, why do you think people should have supported the event more?
Sonia: I think they should have just joined for fun, and not think of it so much as a cry for attention instead. I mean, if you’re not actually desperate, you most definitely won’t appear desperate.

Perhaps it solely depends on the person to decide how to celebrate the occasion. It could be a perfect opportunity to break out of their shell and declare their love life to the world. After all, if you have confidence in yourself, people will perceive you as whatever you want to be perceived as.

On that day, there were many groups of the three colours (aside from the usual black and white), hanging around the common areas. A few people fed my curiosity about their relationship status. Some of their revelations took me by surprise. One of my friends even used Traffic Light Day to let me know that he is finally taken! Some wore a mixture of red and yellow. I also caught sight of someone wearing a combination of a yellow shirt and green pants. Unexpectedly, I also passed by a boy cheekily wearing a tie-dye shirt, splashed with the colours red, yellow AND green! That was certainly a nice surprise that made me chuckle.

In short, the event was certainly not a failure, nor was it an exciting one either. With a little more support from the student body and more advertising, not to mention games and the like, this event could have very much been a big success!



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