Orientation Party (July Intake)

The beginning of occult rituals

 On the 17th of July, an orientation party for the July intake was set up on the first floor gathering area by the Student Council. When the 30-odd students entered the area, they were delighted to find a mini-buffet put together in order to satisfy their hunger after a hectic ECA drive.  As they were enjoying their snacks, the seniors put on a few performances for their entertainment - this included two beautiful ballet routines by Cassandra Law and Mandy Lam followed by a groovy hip hop dance; all displays of talent by the Dance Club. 

To flexibility... and beyond

Dynamic duo

 Afterwards, the students were further entertained by a myriad of ice-breaking games. The first game entailed writing down first impressions of each other on a sheet of paper placed on each other’s backs. This led to a lot of laughter and fun after the students read the comments left on their respective sheets of paper. 

Chain reactions
The second game was a test of balance and teamwork; it involved a pair of students attempting to keep their feet within a sheet of newspaper that was constantly folded after every round, making it more and more difficult to balance. 

Clinging onto the bonds of youth
The final game required students to memorise the names of their peers as they would need to recall them at any moment; this was because their peers were hidden behind a blanket that was later dropped to reveal the peer they needed to remember the name of. While it was slightly embarrassing for those who could not call to mind the names of their newly-made acquaintances, it was for the most part a great deal of fun and a wonderful first step for the foundation of many friendships - not to mention a good exercise in memory. 

More peculiar matchmaking ceremonies
As the students got to know each other better, the Student Council proceeded to crank up some music to get everyone in the mood for partying. The students did not hesitate to go all out on the dance floor, which set a lively atmosphere for the event. After a good half hour of dancing and mingling, the event came to an end as the students were well worn out. However, they all left with big smiles on their faces knowing that this was only the beginning of many awesome times to come at TCSH. 

The locomotive of college life takes off

 Written by Sean Heng

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