The False Autopsy

“No, no, no! A hundred times no! A thousand times no! It doesn’t circulate!” 

And the play ended with a thunderous applause from the audience.

The False Autopsy is a play directed by two IBDP Theatre Art students, Angela Hii Hui Chi and Alisha Azuddin, as part of their Theatre Arts internal assignment. This play centers on a handful of characters whose distinct personalities are differentiated through their reactions and the use of costumes and masks.

Credit must go to the directors and actors for keeping the audience enthralled and in stitches with their unique brand of humour and sexual innuendos. Another interesting point was that the actors who played their roles did such a good job that the audience was able to relate and identify with them.

The two young aspiring directors interacting with the audience after the theatre play.
From left: Angela Hii and Alisha Azuddin 

The interactive session with the directors at the end of the play allowed me to appreciate not only the presentation of the play, but also the style of the play’s presentation. I found the presentation style very effective in engaging the audience and garnering their attention because there was no ‘physical wall’ separating the audience and the actors. It felt as though the audience too, was part of the play and their presence played an important role in relaying the message of the play. Besides the interactive session with the director, the audience was also allowed to engage with the actors. A female character , Lavora, played by our male classmate, Zunren made the audience crazy with his crinkling shower cap, daffodil yellow bathrobe and ‘greenish-moss-like-color’ mask in the opening scene of the play. When asked how he played a female character so remarkably, his witty answer - ‘It just comes naturally,’ made the audience cachinnate in their own seats.

A conversation between Lavora and Dottore about their daughter's marriage. 
From left: Lim Zun Ren, Arif Ahmad and Angela Hii

In the future, I hope to see the IB Theatre students using different effects such as smoke and water to create an innovative play, which will become an unforgettable experience for the audience. As The False Autopsy is only their first play, I am looking forward for more surprising experiences from this creative group of theatre arts students.

Written by Tay Zhi Cong
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