The De Fashionista Club organised a special event on the 10th of May 2013 on the ground floor of Taylor’s College Sri Hartamas. The aim of this event was to encourage students of TCSH to get out of their comfort zone and socialize with one another.
Members of the organizing committee smiling enthusiastically before the event. |
Registration for the event started at around 5.15. The event started off with the two emcees, Joshua and Ashley, sorting out the groups based on predetermined ticket colours.
Emcees of Social Night : Joshua & Ashley
As soon as everyone was sorted out into their respective groups, the emcees announced the first game. Each person was given a balloon and a piece of string to tie the balloon to his or her leg. The rules of the game were simple, the last one standing with an un-popped balloon wins. When the game started, everyone started running around and popping each other’s balloon. After about 10 minutes, there were only two groups left standing and they had to proceed to a final rumble in which the team with the most un-popped balloons won. The victors were the red team and they were awarded attractive prizes.
The teams getting ready for the games to begin |
After the red team’s victory over the balloon popping, the emcees announced the next game. It was a dancing game where two people from each group have to dance together until the music stops and then they must jump on top of the piece of newspaper on the floor which will be folded into smaller pieces every consecutive round. The game was fun as people would have to resort to hopping on to each other’s back as the newspaper would get too small for two people to stand on it. After many rounds of dancing, it was finally time to eat. The De Fashionista club prepared pizzas and drinks for the students who were famished after all that balloon popping and dancing.
The students mingling about whilst enjoying the food |
15 minutes passed and it was finally time for the last activity. Each group had to choose a guy and a girl representative for the best dressed award. All the representatives had to do a cat walk, even the guys. The winners were decided by the intensity of the applause from the audience. In the end, Afiq and Mei Zhi were the winners and they had a slow dance in front of the audience.
After winning the best dressed awards, Afiq and Mei Zhi danced away happily |
The DJ’s ended the event by blasting out some music for students to dance to. The event ended around 7.00PM. In the end, the De Fashionista club did an amazing job in organizing an event which brought the students closer together.
Written by Chiang Kah Chun