Raya & Mooncake Festival Celebration At TCSH

This year, Malaysia celebrates two important festivals in the same month namely Hari Raya Aidilfitri and Mooncake Festival. In view of this, TCSH Islamic Society and the Student Council decided to hold celebrations in the college. Throughout the whole week, from 20th - 24th of September, TCSH was beautifully decorated with colourful paper ketupat, duit raya packets and lanterns to mark the celebration of these two festivals.

Members of the Islamic Society and the Student Council enthusiastically prepared for this event and even came to college during the one-week Raya break for exactly this purpose. A member of the Islamic Society, Aisya, claimed she even had to come in her baju kebaya as she was going visiting right after the preparations were done. The aim of this 2-in-1 celebration is to promote unity among students and to present the vibrancy of our celebrations to the international students of TCSH.

Besides colourful decorations, a booth was also set up by the Student Council on the first floor throughout the week in conjunction with the celebration. The booth sold some traditional and modern Raya biscuits, not forgetting the must-have mooncakes. Besides that, they also sold the famous Malaysian breakfast dish, nasi lemak, much to the students' delight. As I've observed, even the non-Malaysians seem to love nasi lemak just as much as we Malaysians do. Now who says a simple dish can't bring people together?

On Friday, 24th September, many students came to college in their baju kurung, baju Melayu, cheongsams and even a changsan to mark the last day of the celebration. Most of them seemed happy with the celebration as they were, after all, still very much in the "Raya" and "Mooncake Festival" mood. Even though classes were going on as usual, this celebration gave them a chance to celebrate these festivities with their friends and lecturers in college. Who knows, maybe next year we can have an "Open House" themed Raya celebration and a night walk for students carrying brightly lit lanterns for Mooncake Festival? We'll see.

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