The C-word

Cancer, like all taboo subjects, is hardly discussed in the average Malaysian conversation. However, rising cancer statistics have pushed this problem to the forefront and compelled the IB students from the June 2010 intake to embark on a quest to promote awareness and a deeper understanding of the subject amongst Taylorians.

The Cancer Awareness Campaign lasted throughout the entire final week of September and was concluded with a talk by Ms Habiba Rahman from MAKNA (National Cancer Council) on the 1st of October. Ms Habiba, an experienced nurse and trainer, enlightened Taylorians in the Alpha Theatre of Malaysian cancer statistics and how MAKNA has stepped up to the plate to fund cancer research and treatment for the less fortunate.

MAKNA was founded by Datuk Mohd Farid Ariffin in 1994 when his son was diagnosed with leukemia and has since helped many of the less fortunate in coping with the extensive physical, financial and psychological costs of cancer treatment. With slideshows and pictures of patients in treatment, Ms Habiba went on to enlighten present Taylorians of the risk factors and self examination techniques that were essential for early cancer detection. The pictures sent squeamish Taylorians into nervous chatter and some teared up as they began to understand the very real implications of being diagnosed with cancer. Concluding with a demonstration of Breast Self Examination (BSE) techniques, Ms Habiba urged all present to always be wary and do themselves right by checking for lumps at regular intervals. “Early detection is key to limited complications”, she stressed throughout the talk. Women are advised to carry out a BSE on the 7th day after their period and men on the first of each month.

In championing their cause, MAKNA relies solely on support and funding from the public. Those wishing to contribute to the fight against cancer can do so by registering online at and signing up as a volunteer. Alternatively, one could also make a donation at the site or at any of the MAKNA donation boxes that can be found at rest stops, malls and LRT stations. Far from being a personal one, the battle against cancer requires the aid of each able individual to support patients not just financially but also emotionally. As with all good causes, ‘together, we can make a difference’.

Copyright © 2014 The Beacon Online Plastic Surgeon of Beacon: Chloe Tan(2014)