The Twilight Saga: Eclipse – Movie Review
I don’t think Stephanie Meyer knew that fame and fortune would come along when she picked up that pen and jotted down whatever she had created in her own nightmare fantasy world consisting of possibly now the most overrated folklore of today - vampires.

The Twilight franchise has increasingly become a success, with books and DVDs now being sold everywhere. Although released years ago, Twilight books make up a huge portion of the ‘new arrivals’ section in a bookstore simply because of their newly designed paperback covers. Stephanie Meyer’s fictional saga is not only popular among teenagers who long for the love and security that only Edward Cullen can provide, but also among adults, mainly women even the married ones!
The first two books, which are Twilight and New Moon, were a semi-success. I say semi because people who read the book were somewhat disappointed. People who didn’t read the book thought the film was enjoyable, most men in general disliked it, and most women were content with it. However, the fan base is largely dominated by teenage girls. Though not quite the perfect mix of a love and action movie, one of the reasons why the Twilight movies are popular is because though people claim to have been “let down”, they watch anyway for the sake of it. Who can resist, honestly?
So this summer, Summit Entertainment released Twilight: Eclipse in all major cinemas. Directed by David Slade, it is certainly more anticipated by hardcore movie critics only because of Slade’s reputation in his last vampire movie, “30 Days of Night”. This will undoubtedly add that extra venom to Twilight’s already impressive cast.
Perhaps that extra addictive venom could be the emergence of Jacob Black into the scene. Taylor Lautner plays the part well, as he just fits every angle of Jacob Black, from those chiseled abs, to the young, adorable yet rebellious looks, and not forgetting the confident attitude. With a witty line to Edward like, “After all, I am hotter than you”, and “At least we get to kill some vampires”, who could resist laughing at his charm? Jacob Black clearly plays a more active role in Eclipse, in addition to being topless half the time in the movie much to us girls’ delight!
After watching the movie, I have concluded that it is certainly more adrenaline-inducing and seat-grabbing than the previous two movies. Eclipse is certainly more graphical, probably because of Slade’s bolder touch in directing. The movie has a dose of everything, namely drama, romance, action and comedy. The movie managed to rouse a good dose of laughter from the audience, especially during the scenes between Jacob and Edward in competition for Bella’s love. Furthermore, the romantic scenes certainly fulfilled its purpose, perhaps a little too much. In all honesty, the romantic scenes became a tad too cheesy for even any hopeless romantic to sympathize with. Some of the characters’ lines were much too emotional for anyone to be able to watch without feeling discomfort.
However, the fighting scenes were beyond, as is the common phrase used today, epic. Though unsatisfyingly short, the action was certainly heart-pumping to watch! This movie was more graphic and the fighting scenes were no exception. Typically, the battle against the newborn army of vampires was won by the Cullen vampires and Jacob Black’s werewolves. Something about watching the Cullens swiftly destroy the newborn army and the werewolves ripping heads of the porcelain-like creatures off was exciting and immensely satisfying.
The conclusion is predictable with the good guys winning and the bad ones losing. Everything ends on a happy note, with the film’s last scene being ultimately cliché as Edward and Bella sit in a field of pretty flowers, with sweet sunlight shining upon them.
All in all, it was a movie worth watching (or perhaps I am being a biased Twilight fan). For now, we wait for the next movie installment “Breaking Dawn”. Do I smell wedding bells?

Courtesy of Summit Entertainment LLC
The Twilight franchise has increasingly become a success, with books and DVDs now being sold everywhere. Although released years ago, Twilight books make up a huge portion of the ‘new arrivals’ section in a bookstore simply because of their newly designed paperback covers. Stephanie Meyer’s fictional saga is not only popular among teenagers who long for the love and security that only Edward Cullen can provide, but also among adults, mainly women even the married ones!
The first two books, which are Twilight and New Moon, were a semi-success. I say semi because people who read the book were somewhat disappointed. People who didn’t read the book thought the film was enjoyable, most men in general disliked it, and most women were content with it. However, the fan base is largely dominated by teenage girls. Though not quite the perfect mix of a love and action movie, one of the reasons why the Twilight movies are popular is because though people claim to have been “let down”, they watch anyway for the sake of it. Who can resist, honestly?
So this summer, Summit Entertainment released Twilight: Eclipse in all major cinemas. Directed by David Slade, it is certainly more anticipated by hardcore movie critics only because of Slade’s reputation in his last vampire movie, “30 Days of Night”. This will undoubtedly add that extra venom to Twilight’s already impressive cast.
Perhaps that extra addictive venom could be the emergence of Jacob Black into the scene. Taylor Lautner plays the part well, as he just fits every angle of Jacob Black, from those chiseled abs, to the young, adorable yet rebellious looks, and not forgetting the confident attitude. With a witty line to Edward like, “After all, I am hotter than you”, and “At least we get to kill some vampires”, who could resist laughing at his charm? Jacob Black clearly plays a more active role in Eclipse, in addition to being topless half the time in the movie much to us girls’ delight!
After watching the movie, I have concluded that it is certainly more adrenaline-inducing and seat-grabbing than the previous two movies. Eclipse is certainly more graphical, probably because of Slade’s bolder touch in directing. The movie has a dose of everything, namely drama, romance, action and comedy. The movie managed to rouse a good dose of laughter from the audience, especially during the scenes between Jacob and Edward in competition for Bella’s love. Furthermore, the romantic scenes certainly fulfilled its purpose, perhaps a little too much. In all honesty, the romantic scenes became a tad too cheesy for even any hopeless romantic to sympathize with. Some of the characters’ lines were much too emotional for anyone to be able to watch without feeling discomfort.
However, the fighting scenes were beyond, as is the common phrase used today, epic. Though unsatisfyingly short, the action was certainly heart-pumping to watch! This movie was more graphic and the fighting scenes were no exception. Typically, the battle against the newborn army of vampires was won by the Cullen vampires and Jacob Black’s werewolves. Something about watching the Cullens swiftly destroy the newborn army and the werewolves ripping heads of the porcelain-like creatures off was exciting and immensely satisfying.
The conclusion is predictable with the good guys winning and the bad ones losing. Everything ends on a happy note, with the film’s last scene being ultimately cliché as Edward and Bella sit in a field of pretty flowers, with sweet sunlight shining upon them.
All in all, it was a movie worth watching (or perhaps I am being a biased Twilight fan). For now, we wait for the next movie installment “Breaking Dawn”. Do I smell wedding bells?