Taylor's College MUN Conference
From the 2nd of July till the 4th of July 2010, the TCSH Model United Nations (MUN) held their second MUN conference. During these three hectic days, the TCSH campus played host to an array of delegates from all over Kuala Lumpur.
To say that the delegates came in all shapes and sizes would be an understatement, for the range of ages of the delegates would have been close to a decade. Yes, you heard me. Not only were there college students taking time out of their busy schedules to take part in this event, but there were also secondary school students and even a few primary school children who were eager to be involved in the conference.

Age difference aside, what was most surprising about the delegates was their mutual interest in all things concerning world affairs. It is very rare to see such a large group of people with the ability to talk about current global issues with such passion and eloquence. What was definitely impressive was to witness the younger delegates exhibiting an extremely high level of maturity and confidence whilst debating with the older delegates, the sight of which would be enough to make anybody feel very guilty for not paying more attention to CNN or reading The Economist on a regular basis.
Surprisingly, the conference did not have the dreariness one would expect from an event where the sole objective is to debate on serious world issues. In fact, many of the delegates with prior experience at MUN conferences were very adept at inserting double entendres and inappropriate jokes into their speeches. Although some of them bordered on being crass and in violation of UN decorum, one really must commend the delegates on their creativity.
One of the more innocent jokes of the day was delivered by the Delegate of Chile from the Security Council: “ This resolution is like nasi lemak. And this clause is like the sambal on the nasi lemak.” Some of the delegates decided to use more creative phrases to voice out their opinions. One example would have been this comment from another fellow delegate in the Security Council: “This resolution is like a tube top. It’s short, sweet, and covers what needs to be covered.” However, there were some who went a bit over the top with their use of imagery: “This clause is like my boxers. It’s comfortable and allows for expansion.”
Inappropriate jokes aside, the delegates of the Security Council, Human Rights Council, UNEP Council and the General Assembly had a very fruitful two and a half days of debate. They managed to amend many clauses to better their resolutions and some of the assemblies even managed to pass every single one of their resolutions! However, all good things must come to an end, and after half a day of debating, all the delegates gathered at the Alpha Theatre for the closing ceremony.
During his speech, Mr. Rahul (the teacher advisor of the TCSH MUN Club) expressed his satisfaction with how smoothly the entire conference was run. This was followed by a speech from Abhinav Vadrevu, the President of the TCSH MUN club. Before announcing the Best Speakers, Most Diplomatic Speakers and the Most Passionate Speakers for each of the four assemblies, the delegates were treated to a performance by K.I.T.A, a two-man band consisting of Kenneth and Azri. It came to no surprise when their fantastic performance was greeted by roaring cheers and applause from the crowd, as they had just scored one of the top places for the Battle of the Bands competition held during this year’s Youth Asia programme.
To end this entire event, the chairs and the co-chairs for each of the assemblies were presented with their certificates of participation, followed by the announcement of the Best Speakers, the Most Diplomatic Speakers, and the Most Passionate Speakers. During their speeches, the chairs and co-chairs unanimously agreed the this year’s TCSH MUN was definitely a step above last year’s conference and all of them commended the effort put in by the current MUN committee to ensure the success of this conference.

All in all, this year’s conference was an overall success. Many of the delegates, regardless of being first-timers or highly experienced, agreed that they would definitely attend any subsequent conference held here. We certainly hope for the success of other events planned by the future committee of the TCSH MUN club.
To say that the delegates came in all shapes and sizes would be an understatement, for the range of ages of the delegates would have been close to a decade. Yes, you heard me. Not only were there college students taking time out of their busy schedules to take part in this event, but there were also secondary school students and even a few primary school children who were eager to be involved in the conference.
Secondary school delegates at the registration counter
Age difference aside, what was most surprising about the delegates was their mutual interest in all things concerning world affairs. It is very rare to see such a large group of people with the ability to talk about current global issues with such passion and eloquence. What was definitely impressive was to witness the younger delegates exhibiting an extremely high level of maturity and confidence whilst debating with the older delegates, the sight of which would be enough to make anybody feel very guilty for not paying more attention to CNN or reading The Economist on a regular basis.
Surprisingly, the conference did not have the dreariness one would expect from an event where the sole objective is to debate on serious world issues. In fact, many of the delegates with prior experience at MUN conferences were very adept at inserting double entendres and inappropriate jokes into their speeches. Although some of them bordered on being crass and in violation of UN decorum, one really must commend the delegates on their creativity.
One of the more innocent jokes of the day was delivered by the Delegate of Chile from the Security Council: “ This resolution is like nasi lemak. And this clause is like the sambal on the nasi lemak.” Some of the delegates decided to use more creative phrases to voice out their opinions. One example would have been this comment from another fellow delegate in the Security Council: “This resolution is like a tube top. It’s short, sweet, and covers what needs to be covered.” However, there were some who went a bit over the top with their use of imagery: “This clause is like my boxers. It’s comfortable and allows for expansion.”
Inappropriate jokes aside, the delegates of the Security Council, Human Rights Council, UNEP Council and the General Assembly had a very fruitful two and a half days of debate. They managed to amend many clauses to better their resolutions and some of the assemblies even managed to pass every single one of their resolutions! However, all good things must come to an end, and after half a day of debating, all the delegates gathered at the Alpha Theatre for the closing ceremony.
During his speech, Mr. Rahul (the teacher advisor of the TCSH MUN Club) expressed his satisfaction with how smoothly the entire conference was run. This was followed by a speech from Abhinav Vadrevu, the President of the TCSH MUN club. Before announcing the Best Speakers, Most Diplomatic Speakers and the Most Passionate Speakers for each of the four assemblies, the delegates were treated to a performance by K.I.T.A, a two-man band consisting of Kenneth and Azri. It came to no surprise when their fantastic performance was greeted by roaring cheers and applause from the crowd, as they had just scored one of the top places for the Battle of the Bands competition held during this year’s Youth Asia programme.
To end this entire event, the chairs and the co-chairs for each of the assemblies were presented with their certificates of participation, followed by the announcement of the Best Speakers, the Most Diplomatic Speakers, and the Most Passionate Speakers. During their speeches, the chairs and co-chairs unanimously agreed the this year’s TCSH MUN was definitely a step above last year’s conference and all of them commended the effort put in by the current MUN committee to ensure the success of this conference.
TCSH MUN Conference coming to a close
All in all, this year’s conference was an overall success. Many of the delegates, regardless of being first-timers or highly experienced, agreed that they would definitely attend any subsequent conference held here. We certainly hope for the success of other events planned by the future committee of the TCSH MUN club.