A Leg Forward for Charity: Jog For Hope 2010
18th of July 2010. That was the date the organizing team of Jog For Hope had been trying to imprint into everyone’s head for the past four months. From shameless pestering in the college hallways to serious convincing over metal surfaces in corporate offices, the organizing team was determined to make Jog For Hope 2010 a BIG success.
Prior to last year’s event which raked funds of over RM10 000 for the Spastic Children Association of Selangor and Federal territory, the Tree Huggers set to raise the bar higher this year, aiming to donate their funds collected to the 1 Taylors’ Community Project and also to the Paws Malaysian Animal Welfare Society (PAWS).
The event started off with registration beginning at six in the morning. The sky was clear and the increasingly loud pop music lifted everyone’s spirit, getting them revved up for the event. Denise Chan and Ervin Cheah, the emcees of the day, managed to pump up the event with their enthusiasm despite the early hour. Moreover, the effort of the organizing team to decorate the place was displayed by the hanging origamis on the trees outside the college, subtly blending into the cherry background.

In fact, a total of 300 cranes were folded just for the event! The crowd began to build around 7 in the morning, and registration was absolutely hectic. The atmosphere was definitely building as runners from all over the place (we even had runners all the way from Kuantan and Seremban!) geared up and were seen pacing around in an effort to warm up. Registration was divided into 2 main groups: the pre-registered runners and on-the spot runners. The total number of pre-registered runners prior the event day was 928 runners, a pleasant but shockingly large number for the organizing team.
The VIPs present on the day were Yang Berhormat Chua Tee Yong, deputy minister of Agriculture and agrobased industry, Tan Sri Dato Loy Teik Ngan, CEO of Taylor’s Education Group, Mr. Lim Tou Boon, president of Taylor’s Education Group, Mr. Anandakumaresh, Principal of Taylor’s College Sri Hartamas and Miss Sandra John, assistant secretary of PAWS.
After brief speeches, the runners were gathered at the starting point where they braced themselves for the long track ahead. With a bang (literally), runners of all categories sped off into a similar direction. Suddenly, the “start” banner was no longer significant. The organizing team watched and cheered as runners sped ahead, trying to overtake each other for a head start. In a matter of minutes, the road was empty with nothing but tracks left by avid runners.

The VIPs were then ushered for their 2km run with some of the members from the organizing team. All VIPs completed the run, and were then ushered for their complimentary breakfast.
Under the sun, the organizing team waited with bated breath for the approaching runners. The silhouette of the first runner brought on rounds of cheers. The skinny lad took long strong strides and approached the winner’s table with his top drenched in victory sweat. His face glistened with roaring pride and he appeared calm as he exclaimed his serial number. His time for the 6km run was an impressive 23 minutes 41 seconds.
After him was a steady stream of runners, puffing and pushing their way to the finishing line. By the end of the jog, the atmosphere was rife with the breaths of tired runners and the sounds of satisfied achievers. For specifics regarding the winners, please check the official Jog For Hope 2010 website, at jogforhope.wordpress.com
The peak of the event was the prize giving ceremony where the president of Tree Huggers, Chua Kee Aik and the Principal of TCSH, Mr Anandakumaresh, handed over a mock cheque of RM 14 000 to the 1 Taylor’s Community Project and also a mock cheque of RM 7000 to PAWS. The funds collected exceeded the expected RM 15 000 and the organizing team couldn’t be more than thankful for the overwhelming support.

Overall, the event was a success and as Chua Kee Aik quoted, “We hope that Jog For Hope will encourage more people to do charity.” The organizing team couldn’t agree better. Sometimes all it takes is an event like this to get people to do their small bit for a good cause.

Prior to last year’s event which raked funds of over RM10 000 for the Spastic Children Association of Selangor and Federal territory, the Tree Huggers set to raise the bar higher this year, aiming to donate their funds collected to the 1 Taylors’ Community Project and also to the Paws Malaysian Animal Welfare Society (PAWS).
The event started off with registration beginning at six in the morning. The sky was clear and the increasingly loud pop music lifted everyone’s spirit, getting them revved up for the event. Denise Chan and Ervin Cheah, the emcees of the day, managed to pump up the event with their enthusiasm despite the early hour. Moreover, the effort of the organizing team to decorate the place was displayed by the hanging origamis on the trees outside the college, subtly blending into the cherry background.
Registration began early in the morning
In fact, a total of 300 cranes were folded just for the event! The crowd began to build around 7 in the morning, and registration was absolutely hectic. The atmosphere was definitely building as runners from all over the place (we even had runners all the way from Kuantan and Seremban!) geared up and were seen pacing around in an effort to warm up. Registration was divided into 2 main groups: the pre-registered runners and on-the spot runners. The total number of pre-registered runners prior the event day was 928 runners, a pleasant but shockingly large number for the organizing team.
The VIPs present on the day were Yang Berhormat Chua Tee Yong, deputy minister of Agriculture and agrobased industry, Tan Sri Dato Loy Teik Ngan, CEO of Taylor’s Education Group, Mr. Lim Tou Boon, president of Taylor’s Education Group, Mr. Anandakumaresh, Principal of Taylor’s College Sri Hartamas and Miss Sandra John, assistant secretary of PAWS.
After brief speeches, the runners were gathered at the starting point where they braced themselves for the long track ahead. With a bang (literally), runners of all categories sped off into a similar direction. Suddenly, the “start” banner was no longer significant. The organizing team watched and cheered as runners sped ahead, trying to overtake each other for a head start. In a matter of minutes, the road was empty with nothing but tracks left by avid runners.
Participants at the starting line
The VIPs were then ushered for their 2km run with some of the members from the organizing team. All VIPs completed the run, and were then ushered for their complimentary breakfast.
Under the sun, the organizing team waited with bated breath for the approaching runners. The silhouette of the first runner brought on rounds of cheers. The skinny lad took long strong strides and approached the winner’s table with his top drenched in victory sweat. His face glistened with roaring pride and he appeared calm as he exclaimed his serial number. His time for the 6km run was an impressive 23 minutes 41 seconds.
After him was a steady stream of runners, puffing and pushing their way to the finishing line. By the end of the jog, the atmosphere was rife with the breaths of tired runners and the sounds of satisfied achievers. For specifics regarding the winners, please check the official Jog For Hope 2010 website, at jogforhope.wordpress.com
The peak of the event was the prize giving ceremony where the president of Tree Huggers, Chua Kee Aik and the Principal of TCSH, Mr Anandakumaresh, handed over a mock cheque of RM 14 000 to the 1 Taylor’s Community Project and also a mock cheque of RM 7000 to PAWS. The funds collected exceeded the expected RM 15 000 and the organizing team couldn’t be more than thankful for the overwhelming support.
A mock cheque presented to the 1 Taylor's Community Project
Overall, the event was a success and as Chua Kee Aik quoted, “We hope that Jog For Hope will encourage more people to do charity.” The organizing team couldn’t agree better. Sometimes all it takes is an event like this to get people to do their small bit for a good cause.
Jogging for Hope