City Survival Skills (For Females)

As we all know, the city is no longer a safe place in the world today, especially with the crime rates increasing almost every year. How do we survive in this dangerous world, then? Particularly, if we are females?

To answer that question, TCSH organized a City Survival Skills talk to explain to the female students of the CAL June 2010 Intake about the current criminal trends and most importantly, how they can ensure of their own safety.

The talk, conducted by Perfect Protection Sdn. Bhd, started off with highlights of several brutal crimes that happened in Malaysia, namely the infamous case of the young Nurin Jazlin and Ang May Hong in 1987. “Sometimes,” explained Captain Bala of Perfect Protection, “calling the police after a kidnap has taken place is not always the best option, particularly when the kidnapper has already warned us not to.” He further elaborated that in one particular case which he helped investigate, the father of the victim went against the kidnapper's wish of not getting the police involved, and as a result, the next day the family received an envelope which contained the victim's ear. Captain Bala also explained that when dealing with kidnappers, it is always wise to allow the victim's mother to speak to the kidnappers instead of the father. After all, mothers know best, and they'd be willing to do anything for their children without further questions.

Besides that, Perfect Protection Sdn. Bhd also gave the students a chance to learn self-defence if they are attacked or molested. When attacked, it is important to make sure that we avoid injury to ourselves. Captain Bala described a few ways to escape a situation in which a guy tries to molest us in a car. “If you're driving,” he said, “the best way to escape the situation is to bang other cars. And if he is really going to hurt you, aim for something to hit and immediately release his seat-belt just before the crash.” If the guy is the one driving, girls can scream for help when he stops at toll booths or at traffic lights or better yet, when there is a traffic jam. Other than that, girls can also escape by using their high-heels to break the windows. Now, shall we suggest stiletto heels on first dates?

Overall, the talk has undoubtedly allowed the students to be more aware and alert of the many crimes happening in this country. Needless to say, they can now escape or better yet avoid any possible dangerous situation which they might get into. Besides enlightening them on criminal activities, Captain Bala also emphasized to students the importance of being nice to everyone. “The one person you're rude to could possibly be the most brutal murderer... Who knows?” In a world full of uncertainty, I'd have to agree. After all, it does not kill to be nice and polite to everyone right? As the saying goes, “Smile to world and the world will smile back at you.”



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