TCSH Orientation Party

On Friday 29th January, Taylor’s College Sri Hartamas held its annual orientation party for the new January 2010 intake. Since March and June 2009 intakes didn’t have one (the Student Council was busy with exams) they were also welcomed to join the party.

The event was planned with the Student Council elections in mind. Voting booths were set up quickly at 1.00pm and voters entered the Alpha Theatre in droves shortly after. This time round the elections seemed particularly anxious because a handful of new students were already aiming for posts in the Student Council, with ambitions going as high as running for President.

Student Ambassador Volunteers, as well as Student Council members worked in shifts, ticking off names of those who had already voted. Support for the new intake was solid; most of the new students voted. Not many from the January 2009 intake voted, but that was understandable as no one from their intake was running for any posts.

Besides that, the decorating committee was very frisky; cutting, pasting and climbing in order to transform the scene into a “Retro 70’s “ disco club. Multi-coloured plastic covered the lights and muted them substantially. Strings of old records and stars decked the hallway. The ‘stage’ near the Alpha Theatre was spread with glittery paper and a silhouette of John Travolta from ‘Saturday Night Fever’.

The Student Council had managed to obtain DJs and a cool sound system that blew your ears off when you went too near. Everyone was quite expectant; many came dressed according to the theme: Bell-bottoms, Afro wigs, zebra stripes, leopard prints, flower power, you name it!

Some time past six o’ clock, the partygoers were ushered in. Our emcees for the night, Lucas Chen and Daniel Forsberg (or Sugar and Cream) sported radical Afro styles as they opened the event with a new singing sensation — Mahirah from CAL January 2010. This was followed by Cherilyn and Rafa from CAL June 2009. With their powerful voices still amped up by the system, the crowd went wild and started cheering, belting along to “Somebody to Love”, “Bad Romance” and more.

Suddenly, our attention directed to the escalator, where Marcia Low descended, clad in a simple black high-waisted floral dress. Fashion Week had just hit Hartamas, baby. The next 7 or 8 dresses were bold and colourful, psychedelic and creative. As Lady Gaga said, “Walk, walk, fashion baby, work it.” Everyone couldn’t help but gape at the confidence and diversity of materials and textures.

Fashion flashback

The beats started in the background and I could feel the itch to dance begin in some students. However, cars don’t start without fuel, so everyone adjourned to the Beta Theatre for some chow. This gave students an excellent opportunity to mingle with each other, and already camaraderie had formed among the students from the January 2010 intake.

Students enjoying their dinner

Next, the mood of the party was further pumped up with a dance to the song “Single Ladies”. The crowd cheered to the hip action on stage. Musical performances followed. Among the numbers were “Somebody to Love,” “Mamma Mia,” and for a unique classical touch, Mozart’s “Eine kleine Nachtmusik.”

A touch of class

At last, the time came for the announcements of the much-awaited results for the Student Council election. The suspense could be felt amongst both the nominees and supporters. Days of campaigning were finally over, and they were all about to find out if all their hard work was of any avail. Mr Rahul was called up on stage to announce the results. Lucas Chen, one of the MC’s, placed an Afro wig on Mr Rahul’s head, who earned wolf-whistles from the crowd.

Adelecia Jessamine took the post of Treasurer, while an IB student, Grace Wong, earned the much-deserved post of Secretary. To the crowd’s surprise, three vice presidents were elected: Soo Lih Wen, Ervin Cheah and Aisha Ahmad. Finally, it was time to announce the results for the President post. “And the President for the Student Council of 2010 is, (drumrolls) LEONG JIAN WEI!” announced Mr Rahul, eliciting ear-splitting squeals and applause from Jian Wei’s supporters.

Mr Rahul announcing the highly-anticipated results

The DJ pumped up the music and the dance floor was finally opened. The students, dressed to the nines filled the dance floor and showed off various dance moves. Some danced the night away while some other students left after some time for home. Long live TCSH!



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