City Survival Skills Workshop

Short and informative. Those are the two words that perfectly describe the City Survival Skills talk held at the Delta Theatre last Friday. Those who did not attend may be thinking I am crazy for saying a four hours talk is short, but for those who did, 4 hours seems like a blink of an eye albeit being in a freezing theatre.

The talk was organized in hopes that the freshman female students of Taylors College Sri Hartamas (TCSH) would be able to "survive, and not die" says Captain K. Balasubramaniam, a safety activist and Chairman of the Malaysian Volunteer and Fire Rescue Association. His trustee sidekick of the day was the Managing Director of OSH Dynamics Holding Sdn. Bhd., Michael Chong, who is also an alumni of Taylors College.

The talk opened with a 1980s movie about a serial killer, and was paused right at the scene where the serial killer went "time to have some fun", complete with bulging eyes, and knife sliding down the tongue. Talk about dramatic.

In the entire 4 hours, I saw more naked bodies than I have ever had in my entire life as we were exposed to many rape, sodomized and murder cases that happened to the unfortunate female youth of Malaysia. We were left shocked, disgusted and even felt unjustified knowing that some of these murderers are still running around freely. Capt. Bala also showed us some of the pictures taken by the hidden cameras that may come in the form of teddy bears, pens and even name tag! Suffice to say, we felt violated and unprotected, especially after knowing that our personal information and contact details could easily be obtained, as easy as ordering a pizza.

However, staying true the name of the talk, Capt. Bala did manage to make us feel more secure by teaching us the correct method to survive through these unfortunate incidents. We were taught on how to avoid being the perfect victim, be it at the ATMs, in a restaurant, on the road, and even in the comfort of our home with the help of simple and affordable gadgets such as the ever helpful pepperspray.

All in all, by the end of the talk, the female attendees were more than glad they did dragged themselves to the talk. As one of the attendee, I've gained many useful information, and I am sure, they benefit all the other attendees too. Many of the attendees even wilingly stayed more than 4 hours just to see Mr. Michael Chong demonstrate some self defense moves along with some escape tips.



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