Presidential Rally : Interview with Ryan Yoong

Q: What makes you want to take up the job as the president of Student Council?
To me, Student Council (SC) is a representation of the student body and is an outlet for which the students can express their concerns and needs. As I am person who enjoys mingling with just about everyone, listening, communicating and helping people are second nature to me. I also aim to make an impact (a positive one hopefully) everywhere I go and TCSH is no different. With a hunger to inspire and a passion for people, I thought I would be a suitable fit for the role.
Q: What is your greatest strength that equips you for this job?
Thus far, I believe my greatest strength is definitely my people skills. Being able to understand the needs and wants of not one, but an entire community seems like a challenge but I feel up to it.
Q: Tell us more about yourself. What are you goals and priorities? 
I assure you I'm a perfectly normal human being - not a workaholic robot 24/7. However, I do have some goals that I would like to achieve on a personal level. One of the current ones is to be SC president (surprise, surprise). A few more years down the road, the goal is simply to be happy. I believe happiness is the greatest measure of success because it takes into account all the physical achievements as well as the emotional ones. I would say my priorities include my family and friends - they play a pivotal role in how I am now and how I will be in the future. Then comes a mishmash of education, food, sleep, sports (in an ever-changing order).
Q: What do you think TCSH needs the most right now?
Personally, I believe TCSH needs a strong and effective communication system. For ECA purposes, we have tons of Whatsapp groups and even more Facebook ones online - all of which is often difficult to keep track of if one is not sitting in front of the phone/computer all the time. For academic purposes, the split usage between various learning platforms such as Edmodo and Moodle may actually cause more confusion that rectifying it. Thus, I believe there is a solution and that it's only a matter of time before a structured system is put in place to ensure the smooth flow of both work and play.

Interview by,
Sim Shin Ying,
Head of Writing Department,
Editorial Board TCSH.

Photography by,
Samantha Yong,
Head of Photography Department,
Editorial Board TCSH.

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