CAL Orientation Day

On the 9th of April, the main entrance of Taylor's College Sri Hartamas was most welcoming, colourful and lively in anticipation for the arrival of our new batch of college mates. The atmosphere was cheerful as all of the staff and students were eager to bring out the best of TCSH.

Briefing for new inmates students

The first part of the day's programme, which was the registration, went on smoothly while the day’s itineraries were distributed to the new intakes. Next, the ever-smiling Ms. Lauren, TCSH’s Principal, gave a welcoming speech which made the new intakes comfortable and at ease. Her personality and approachable nature brought smiles upon them. This was followed by a detailed talk on CAL by Ms. Anne. Her humour-filled briefing was both informative and useful.

Ms. Anne gesticulating
Later during the ice-breaking session by Student Council members, the new students quickly fostered new friendships among themselves and with the seniors as well. It was a totally new experience for those who came from a school based background to engage in small talks with varying backgrounds of new college mates.

Paper cranes dangle behind
The lunch break also gave them opportunity to take photographs for student IDs, mingle around with all the staff, seniors and fellow newcomers.

After lunch, a few seniors enlightened them with their personal experiences at TCSH campus regarding their coursework, facilities and consultation hours with lecturers.

The session ended with a talk by Ms. Anne, who represented the group of mentors. She explained the duties and the job scopes of these mentors to the new intakes, whom will be helping them as a lecturer, a friend and as an advice-giver for their 18 month stint at TCSH.

The number '3' must be significant

Lastly…. Welcome to Taylor’s College Sri Hartamas! - A friendly warm community that will make the intersection of your life, a memorable and enthralling stage.

When vending machines don't work

Written by Haritha Nallaya
Cambridge A-Levels
Head of Editorial Board Photography Department
Copyright © 2014 The Beacon Online Plastic Surgeon of Beacon: Chloe Tan(2014)