Of Leading And Inspiring

"Leaders are made, not born." This famous quote tells that anyone can be a leader as long as they have the passion. In the spirit of developing and molding  strong leaders, the Leadership Camp 2013 was held.

On Friday the 1st of March 2013, we kicked things off  for the camp with a speech from Ms. D about what to expect, the rules and regulations as well as the traits that most leaders exhibit. Miss Lauren, our new principal took to the stage, showing a video about what leaders should do. 

Ms D's briefing

Ms Lauren elaborates on leadership qualities

Soon afterwards, we had our first ice-breaking activity called the Duct-Tape Challenge. It was a lot of fun, exhilarating and all-around great start to what would be an already great trip. Afterwards, all of us took buses from the college to Dusun Eco Resort in Pahang.

Duct Tape Challenge: Harder than it looks

At about 1.30 or so, we finally arrived at the resort and were treated to a quick lunch in the cafeteria. We then split into three large groups. All three groups would carry out the same 3 activities. The only difference was to be the order they were conducted in. Our day, at least for team B, began with a 12 stage obstacle course. It emphasized teamwork. Various highlights include the wall, in which teammates have to help each other scale a smooth stone wall of great height, rope crosses and the commando crawl.

 Teamwork at its best

Muddy commando crawl. Watch out for that barbed wire!

Before the barbeque, we had some fun playing a game of charades. Nonetheless we had a great feast despite the pouring rain. After which, the whole contingent of us embarked on a night jungle walk. The walk exhausted us out enough that we slept like logs.

Playing charades: Choose the category wisely

A walk to remember (in the jungle at night)

A decent breakfast was served at 7am which marked the beginning of day 2. Team B started off with a walk across the suspension bridge and flying fox.  The suspension bridge probably was the scariest activity we had tried during the whole camp. But the flying fox which came after that, made the suspension bridge well worth it.

 Watch your step on the suspension bridge

Mid air kung fu stunts

Raft building came soon afterwards. Teamwork was essential in this task. The first and second tests consisted of one-half of the team on the makeshift raft while the last feat was the entire team on the thing at the same time. When put to the test, all three rafts made by the three groups in team B did not fail us terribly. Team B then finished off the morning by having a quick dip in the mountain water pool.

 Overload causes sinking

Still functional (due to lesser load)

Lunch was quite festive and lively despite the fact it marked the end of camp. A prize-giving ceremony was held to reward the most deserving teams. And members that had performed remarkable acts were called upon and publicly commended by the teachers. Then, we were all handed certificates of participation. A quick photo session later, we were all back on the bus and heading back home finally. Suffice to say, everyone had a great time.

Happy faces at the end of camp 



What a wonderful experience shared with wonderful students!

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