Feather Poems

The Feather poems...

Stanza I : Spring

The weathered tree moans,
The wind its caresses soothing,
Over yonder, dawn approaches
Born of a new year…

Laughing sky, laugh,
Smiling sun, smile,
The tree greets splendor
With offerings of rebirth…

Sunrise, sunset,
Come, gone,
Aged branches shines anew,
Ruby overtaken by emerald…

The wayward one walks midnight paths,
The scent of feather blossoms heavy in the air…

Stanza III : Autumn

The weathered tree whimpers,
The wind stolen its innocence,
Pleading mercy
As children crumble at its feet…

Where is the sun?
Where is the moon?
Where is the Master of the Heavens?
But gone, but gone…

Ashen clouds roll by,
The days grow short,
Aged branches cry out
Seeking comfort for its suffering…

The wayward one weeps alone,
A single feather blossom falls…

Fall, feather blossom, fall…

Stanza II : Summer

The weathered tree sighs,
The wind held from its embrace,
Quietly waiting, twilight descends
Its blanket warm…

Ever faithful, the moon,
She sends a gift from above,
The healing sound
On its way come…

Pitter, patter,
Pearlescent drops,
Aged branches spread
To catch heaven's blessings…

The wayward one whispers a prayer,
Feather blossoms lulled to slumber…

Stanza IV : Winter

The weathered tree is silent,
The wind grieves its death,
Drape her beloved in white,
Crown her beloved with tears…

There is no sun,
There is no moon,
There is no one to comfort her
For she is alone…

Forgiveness for sins
Awash with blood,
Aged branches strain
To lift her veil…

The wayward one gasps soundlessly,
The song of tomorrow giving eternal promise…

Copyright © 2014 The Beacon Online Plastic Surgeon of Beacon: Chloe Tan(2014)