Diary of a Nerd #3

Dear Diary,

Today I stand here, in mourn of my beloved, who recently braved the Algorithm Woods in an eternal battle against the evil forces of ignorance, and never returned. May his soul rest in peace.

Okay okay. So maybe that was a little melodramatic. I couldn’t help it. I mean, people give eulogies for dogs too right? My classmates totally don’t understand my grievances and pains of losing the object of my affection, my best companion. Valiant and courageous, braved through every single battle with me, side by side, like blood brothers, sworn to protect each other for eternity, and I’ve failed Him. You will always be remembered, my Texas Instruments 84 Graphic Display Calculator. ☹

So, anyway, it’s currently the holidays, and to be very honest, I don’t get the point of holidays. According to the dictionary definition of ‘holiday’, it’s supposed to be a day of festivities where no work is done. I mean, what’s the point of a whole day if no work is done? That’s just, abomination! Waste of time, of youth, where it could have been time spent doing something so much better, so much more constructive, than doing, well…nothing. I’ve been pretty happy with myself this half semester, attaining near perfect grades, except for having a few marks deducted for so called ‘illegible handwriting’. Hey, it’s not my fault that you can’t appreciate cursive. It’s a form of art that few can appreciate.

As I was saying, the holidays should be put to good use. What better way than to utilize the legendary…wait for it… wait for it… I-N-T-E-R-N-E-T. The never-ending extensive information resource database, sharing is caring, right? RIGHT. Google, my best friend, has never failed me. Everything I have ever asked, he has never failed to provide with an answer. And I am content. Hey, at least on the Internet, I’m popular. I’m not judged for the way I dress, or the way I look, even the way I speak. My intelligence speaks for itself, and guys, check this, chicks dig intelligence.

So I guess that’s how I’m going to spend my holidays then: being very productive in discovering new food for the brain. And maybe, just maybe, I could even post a video of me playing a musical piece inspired by Pi. Maybe I’d be the next Justin Bieber. Or the next Hermione Granger, maybe?

Maybe, just maybe…
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