How worthy is the human race?

Is being part of the human race something to feel proud of? You may be a mogul living life in the fast lane, an A-list actor with sexy women dangling on either your arms or even a regular college student completing pre-university. It does not change your form of a minuscule dot barely seen in the radar in comparison to the ratio of the world. Human beings are merely one of the many living beings existing. Indeed, we have come a long way from our ancestors and have since adapted to our lives everyday.

Despite our shortcomings as human beings, we make up for it with our never-ending creativity cycle. Our society has constantly developed and altered trends over the past few years. You no longer, if rarely see outfits from the 80s (unless it is dress-back-to-the-80s day). Gone were the days when floppy discs was your storage data, gone were the days when the youth updated their MySpace status and gone were the days people walked around listening to their Walkman. Today in many circumstances, we may find that our life would be a complete wreck if thumb drives were to be misplaced, our day to be spent browsing Facebook and our ear phones plugged to iPods.

However, what if we were to compare our strengths to the unpredictability of Nature? You cannot single-handedly control the weather. Sometimes the ‘rain dance’ just fails us, in spite of what we see on television. It is unpredictable and beyond our control. If it was within our control, how could the latest disaster strike Japan? In this regard, it is fair to say human beings are utterly useless. Recently, the apocalypse highlights the intensity of our ‘handicap’ in a situation whereby we are once again at the mercy of Nature. Many times it is the human race that is educated on how to respond to the weather and natural disasters. We learn to carry an umbrella when it rains, wear rubber boots when it snows and use sunscreen on a sunny day.

Moreover, we are reliant on Nature to sustain our very existence. Nature provides resources for food and water. Without food, we can continue surviving for one month. Without water, we can no more than last one week. Our home, the roof that shelters us itself, is made of the natural resources provided by Nature. The three key necessities are all dependent on Nature, and as humans we rely our core survival on Nature. Ironically, how many of us celebrated Earth Day on March 21, 2011?

On the whole, the human race should cherish and embrace Nature’s gift. Some may say human beings are a glorious race because of our ability to change the world and still continue to shape the world from a vision. Some may say we are a greedy, selfish and destructive race. Some may say we are the reason for global warming. Needless to say, if it weren’t for Nature, mankind would not have a starting point in building what there is today.

Copyright © 2014 The Beacon Online Plastic Surgeon of Beacon: Chloe Tan(2014)