Here at The Beacon Online, we are constantly trying to improve our quality of content and usability of this website. We welcome all your feedback, or alternately, if you have a question, we'd like to listen too.

General Enquiries and Feedback
Feel free to email us at editorialboard.tcsh@gmail.com or the Editor at ting1402@gmail.com.

College and Student Life
If you are a student of TCSH, or someone seeking information about our college, we are unable to answer any of your queries unrelated to The Beacon or the Editorial Board. You can visit our college's official website here for information and contact details.

Student Submissions
We greatly welcome student contributions be it for the Beacon Online or the print magazine The Beacon. Send your work to editorialboard.tcsh@gmail.com and we will inform you on our decision as soon as we can.

Students can also contact the TCSH Student Council at sc.tcsh@gmail.com for matters pertaining to college life.
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