3-in-1 Celebration: A Series of Taylorian Events

On the 18th of February 2011, festivity, ambition and excitement resonated throughout the halls of Taylor’s College Sri Hartamas. In conjunction with 2011’s first ECA Drive and Chinese New Year celebrations was the Taylor’s College Sri Hartamas Student Council’s yearly election.

The ECA drive, which kick-started at 12.30pm, was signalled by the hustle of clubs putting the final touches to their booths as students from the new intake streamed out of class to sign up for the various ECA activities here at Taylor’s. Later, the CNY celebration – presided over by several Taylor’s VIPs, notably: President of Taylor’s Mr. Lim Tou Boon, Taylor’s Chief Operating Officer Mr. Thou Kok Cheng, Mr. Ananda Kumaresh, our Principal, Ms. Nirmala, the Assistant Principal, Mr Frank Meagher, Associate Director of the IB programme and a host of other TCSH staff – began with a lion dance to usher in the spirit of the lunar new year. After a brief officiating ceremony, the TCSH Dance Society performed a suave routine that got the audience hooting and cheering for more.

One of the electrifying performances of the day

Spearheaded by the Student Council in collaboration with the management, the 3-in-1 Celebration saw several other performances by the likes of talented Taylorians including a Chek Quen Do self-defence demonstration and a smashing performance by the Music Club. In line with the CNY theme, clubs adorned their booths with festive colours and the VIPs participated in traditional Chinese calligraphy writing. Later, the Islamic Society, the D.O.T. (Doctors of Tomorrow) Club and the Rotaract Club were awarded cash prizes for having the best decorated booths at the event.

The Islamic Society came in first for best booth

The DOT Club and its oriental-cum-clinical booth

Photo ops at the Photography Club booth

Despite the many happenings, the Student Council election was undoubtedly the highlight of the day. Unlike previous years, only Student Council Presidency was up for the popular vote this time around. In the week leading up to the election, TCSH saw four aspiring candidates stepping up to the plate with the aim to represent the best interests of Taylorians. Each ran distinctive election campaigns in the hopes of gaining the support of the student body.

Leong Jian Wei and Ervin Cheah, President and Vice President of the 2010 Student Council, having interviewed and spent time with the candidates in the running, commended each of them on their efforts and affirmed that all those running would be great assets to the Student Council.
Prior to the elections, Monija Nair, Joyce Tan, Nicholas Yap and Alan Wong ran campaigns to garner votes from the student body; each with their own unique style. Joyce Tan capitalised on the first three letters of her name, a clever use of language, to bring Joy(ce) to Taylorians.

Nicholas Yap opted for an eco-friendly campaign by limiting printing and propping up his posters on music stands in strategic locations, while IB student Alan Wong put on a smile and got personal with the electorate. However, it was Monija Nair and her magnetic personality that eventually caught the attention of the student body to win the title of Student Council President with a margin of 42 votes to runner up Nicholas Yap, who was later named Vice President.

The Presidential candidates (from left) Alan Wong, Joyce Tan, Nicholas Yap and Monija Nair

With clubs having recruited new faces, TCSH having ushered in the lunar new year, and Taylorians having elected fresh blood to represent them and their best interests, the event wrapped up to a close at about 5 pm. A day well spent indeed.

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