Library Orientation

On the 19th and 20th of January, the new intake took turns to have their library orientation sessions. Class by class they went down to the library, where the librarians gave them a quick tutorial on all there is to know BB7, E-brary and the various databases that the students have access to.

My intake, the June intake, wasn’t so lucky. We didn’t have a library orientation session, so we had to run around like a bunch of lost puppies asking anybody within a 5-mile radius that would teach us on how to operate everything. Luckily for the January 2010 intake, the librarians gave them a personal introduction. However, throughout the week leading up to the library orientation, the new intake would occasionally ask old students about something or the other.

I was unable to attend the orientation, but I managed to find out what went down. Apparently, the students found the part about access and operation of BB7 very useful, and most of them paid attention. Unfortunately, when it came to the part about the E-brary and the databases, many of them tuned out and turned to Facebook for entertainment – the route most of us go down when faced with boredom. After spending some time in the I-zone, they were taught how to operate the Pay-Station, the Self Checkout and the Drop Box for borrowing library books.

At any rate, I’d say it was a success, seeing as how most of them now know how to operate BB7. After all, you can’t pick up everything in one day. I suppose the new intake will have to approach the librarians for a one on one session if they ever decide that they want to learn how to make use of the E-brary and databases.


Copyright © 2014 The Beacon Online Plastic Surgeon of Beacon: Chloe Tan(2014)