Blood Donation Drive

(Ethical) human experimentation, probably
We’ve all heard of college students raising funds for charity, or going all out to lend a hand by volunteering for charitable causes. Following tradition, the Doctors of Tomorrow (DOT) Club from TCSH contributes to their part in society by inviting people to donate blood once a year. 

Ever wondered what red chocolates labelled "no food coloring" were made of?
This year, the blood donation drive was held on the 18th of April. Donors were given the chance to apply for the drive two to three days before the event, and a whopping 51 people applied! It was really heartwarming and exciting to see so many people willing to lend a hand to charity so willingly - especially when it involved needles. I personally didn’t donate my blood because I’m just plain afraid of needles. However, the same could not be said for the 51 brave people who successfully became the heroes of the day by donating their much needed blood around the country - maybe even outside the country!
Not having trypanophobia makes you a hero, apparently

The event started off at 11.30 am at the Beta Theatre, with the nurses all prepped and ready to collect blood. People were already lining up to register mere minutes after the counter was open. After that, they were led to a stretcher to which empty bags were strapped to. Next, the volunteers were given a cylinder to squeeze so that the nurses could find their veins in the crook of their elbow to be hooked with the needles. All that was left to do then was to sit back and relax as their blood filled up the bags beside them. 

While the others wait to pounce
As people settled down on their stretchers, the ambience started to get merrier as the volunteers' friends visited them, cheering them on and having laughs. It was a really optimistic atmosphere for the next two hours, until the event ended at 3.30 pm.

I talked to the president of the DOT Club, Raisa Albar, about her opinions on the event and she was honestly really satisfied with the outcome. “It is important to have a very generous society as the benefits for everyone will be much greater,” she said. She also mentioned that the previous batch had done it once before. “We are trying to make this sort of like a tradition because our senior BODs (Board of Directors) held it at TCSH as well and we are hoping that the future BODs will do the same. We want to make it our signature event,” she stated.

All in all, I believe the event was a huge success and hopefully it will be even better next year! Do lend a helping hand for charities; as the president of the DOT Club said, “You may need it next time.” 

"Donate today!" (Hold it, this sounds familiar--)

Best of luck to you DOT club!

Written by Marishka Magness
Copyright © 2014 The Beacon Online Plastic Surgeon of Beacon: Chloe Tan(2014)