Diary of a Slacker #2

Dear Diary,

What is the actual definition of a break anyway?
(a) A beautifully planned week where we can cut some slack after all the hard work we’ve been doing?
(b) The week where we’re assigned to increasing amounts of homework piling up to seek competition with Everest?

The latter sounds fitting seeing the situation I’m in right now - it should much rather be named “Teacher’s Break” instead. It’s not like it’d make any difference, for me at least. So, teacher’s break for the next 10 days, hurray?

The past two weeks have seen me battling my way through the usual barrage of tests, with the results being immediately given out the next day. How the teachers manage to mark all the papers in a day still awes me, given the fact that I can’t even finish my paper in less than an hour. “The Red Autopilot Pen and The Agony of Cross Marks”. Oh, how I see that coming as a blockbuster soon.

Seriously speaking though, sometimes it makes me wonder how I even manage to get such high marks for my tests. “B” s allowing me to boast as the best? “C” s for constructing creative comebacks? After all, answers are considered somewhat synonymous to comebacks to a question. Maybe it’s the teachers and how they seem to mark our test papers so fast that it can give bullet trains a run for its money. I blame the standard as well. A minimum of 82% for an “A-”? That’s ridiculous!

I know, some of you might be curious right now. Yes, it made me wonder! Being a slacker doesn’t mean my mind is constantly blank, and no, I have not failed any of my tests to date. Dumbfounded already? Wait till the “much anticipated” SPM results get released the next week. Five credit’s all I need to secure myself in college.

Then comes the comparison session between my mom, her friends and their daughters or sons. I’m sick of it! The vile contagious habit of child and child comparison is never ending! There should be a vaccine for this.

“My daughter has got straight “A” s, how did your son do?”

No, stop. Just stop.

We’ll see how it turns out…

We’ll see…
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