Sushi Making Class by Anime Club

It all started with Ms. Charmaine, our TCSH Anime Club staff advisor . We were discussing about our future plans for our club. She must’ve been hungry or something when she proposed that we make a Sushi Workshop . Thus, the idea for a sushi-making workshop was born.

The planning took the most effort . Both of us had to decide what type of Sushi we were going to introduce , the venue and date of the workshop, the tools and ingredients that we need, and the quota of students allowed in the workshop . We decided that we would only take in 15 students, due to the fact that Japanese food ingredients are expensive and we have limited funding .

On the day itself, Ms.Charmaine demonstrated on how to make the various Sushi made by hand, such as temari (decorated ball), gunkan (mini battleship) and temaki (handroll); I was given the honour of demonstrating the rolls, such as shikai-maki (four-sided roll). Everybody made an attempt to create their own masterpiece after the demonstration. Overall, we made wa~ay too much food but we had way too much fun . Success story? I think so.



Copyright © 2014 The Beacon Online Plastic Surgeon of Beacon: Chloe Tan(2014)